Thursday, July 28, 2011

Optimistic List

  My days--even my minutes on occasion--are filled with thoughts of 'yay' and 'nay' about my move. So to put a more positive spin on it and sound less like a psycho whose had one too many mojitos, here is a list of positive things about moving to remember and to keep me from loosing it!

 -I will have my friend Dana by my side!

 -I'm not alone when I move up there! Ah the powers of the internet, roommates, and family friends!

 - I will get to make new friends!

 - Two. Story. Swing. Club.  SOOOOOO awesome!

 - RAIN! Finally, a reason for all my hats, scarves, gloves, and tea that I make/drink! YES!

 - I will be nearer to Canada! I foresee many a trip to a different country! 

 - I'm going to be able to finish my book there!

 - I will be able to actually COOK FOOD and not have some one roll their eyes/complain/freak out that food isn't coming out of a JAR. Yay for moving!

     These are all wonderful things that I'm going to remind myself of when I get worried. I'm very lucky in that I will not be alone, and if I really need 'grown up' help, Dana's Aunt and Uncle are always there for advice, even if they ARE two hours away.


  1. I have done a pro con list also but haven't written it down. That might be a good idea. I am still so new to blogging that after looking at yours I really don't know what to write. :P

  2. awwww don't worry Hillary! You can write what ever you want! I write to pleas the copious masses by adding humor to and because I'm a sarcastic person generally and can't help it. But its just a way for you to express your emotions and let others in your life know how your doing!

    I know I want to know how your days are going, and trust me, I'm sure once you get to Texas you can make all sorts of observations of how different/similar things are compared to here! You'll have tons more to write! Just remember, I never really DID learn to stop talking..... XD
