Monday, January 10, 2011

New Kid on the Blog

Hello to those who might or might not be reading this! This blog is a little like Sex and the City without the the city for that matter. Unless you count living 50 minutes away from LA as being 'in' the city.

I can't promise to be completely exciting at the moment, as this blog is starting at the beginning of the end for me. You see, I graduate college and from there, I will be on to the REAL exciting time in my life--moving to Seattle, WA. Now THAT will be and adventure! There will be tears, laughter, tea, and a very large cat named Soji.

But as I live in Orange County (now please, refrain from imagining me as a blond eyed, spray-tanned, stiletto wearing OC girl.), I figure I might as well give you a taste into the musing and insights of a girl who doesn't exactly fit into the mold in the Sunny Side of California. That, dear readers, is why I'm moving to Seattle. Well, and for a better job!

So, to be a positive person, here is what you CAN expect on my blog entries for the time being!


-Sarcasm (used only for good!)

-Insights into life in the O.C.


-Possibly rants (hey, I'm college, I'm entitled to act like a kid until I am forcibly removed!)

-pictures of tea, coffee, knitting, really anything I find pretty/interesting/cool (feel free to NOT look at them if you don't want to)

-possibly videos (I know, exciting right!?)

And there you go! Now don't you suddenly feel like your day is about to get so much better?

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