Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Think I'm Joining The Dark Side.....

I have grown up in California my entire life. Of that entire life I have lived in the very VERY long shadow of LA. And it is the MOST annoying thing to live with when you're not a person who doesn't want to be in film or music. It affects every aspect of your life, from what you want to do (if you knit, your a freak. If you read, your even weirder), to who and how you date.

You see, in LA its all about who you know, who you date, and who you can make connections with. In fact, most dating in LA is done simply to make contacts and land a break; its a business deal with often times very little actual caring on one parties side (or perhaps even both). LA dating is NOT for the faint of heart. People there SAY they want love, but their love comes with "and so like...your going to make a lot of money right?" Its implied that you WILL become famous at something or another. And then it begins to dawn on those in the city that 'gee, maybe these girls/guys are only dating me because of who I know.'

'How would YOU know, if you don't like LA?' You're asking me.

Because, dear readers, somehow, some way, I have managed to find myself dating men in the industry. I blame it on the Stop Sign ticket I got. THAT is what started me on this downward spiral. I didn't WANT to date LA boys. They tend to have a hardness about them, and almost ALWAYS flaunt who they know and how many connections they have. Sadly, this is because THAT is what girls in LA expect and look for in their 'mates'. And that DOES make me feel bad for the boys of LA.

It started with a man who is a producer, who was also waiting in line to pay for a ticket. Apparently my knitted outfit was cool enough to lure him in (funny how knitted stuff does that...). We dated, but I couldn't bring myself to make it last. He name dropped too much and expected me to be impressed. I was not. Hollywood royalty or not, I really couldn't get past the fact that he liked talking about himself. The funny thing was, as he was telling me about himself he said:

"You know, dating in Hollywood is just getting old. I mean, all the girls there just want the same shit. I want a real woman. You know?"

He said that last part while looking me up and down. Flattering, but not enough to make me feel bad about dumping him. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him that NICE girls that weren't from Hollywood REALLY REALLY don't care who you know, because they don't want to be part of the industry (like me). The one time I DID try to tell him I didn't care he said "co' co'" and then proceeded to name drop some more AND not ask me one single thing about myself.

A few months later I ended up dating a film editor for big name company (how is a secret!). I actually really got along well with him. He wasn't originally from LA. Again, I was told by said date that dating in LA just wasn't fun; that girls expected you to be sooooo connected. And the second they found out you couldn't get them a break? Gone. No wonder they boys of LA with a brain are looking outside of Hollywood!

And now, presently, I am once again in the midst's of dating yet another LA man. HOW does this happen? WHY? I personally don't like LA, I never wanted to be in the culture, and yet some how it keeps luring me into its smoggy depths. I can't decide if the universe is trying to tell me something, or if I'm just attractive to the Big City boys. I have no idea. But I'll keep you posted on the progress! (I don't know who YOU are, but you must be pretty okay, because your reading this. Congratulations!)

I may sound a little judgmental. And maybe I am. A little. But its not without basis. In Hollywood men who move there to land a big deal or 'make it' spend several months to years chasing after girls whose faces blur together in one blond-blue-eyed mess. And then two things will happen. First, they either realize they need a girl with a heart and a brain and common sense and quickly start looking outside of Hollywood. Or they will realize what they're doing....and then keep doing it. Humans are human, and some men really do just like having the trophy wife/girlfriend.

And hey if they want it, LA is the best place on earth to get it. Just make sure you know some one who knows someone who works for MGM, Warner Bros, or Capitol Records. Then the girls will come flocking.

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