Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Driver's Ode to Car

What can I say about my beautiful car Stella? She was a trooper, she survived many a harrowing and terrible driver on the road (I'm looking at YOU all non-native SoCal drivers who don't know what the fast lane is and plod along in it WELL below even  the actual speed limit), and even transported wounded friends. She was the bubble in which many secrets and dreams were told in, rants were screamed in, and junk food and hidden candy were consumed in.

She drove through rain and sunshine, through hill and dale, mountain and desert road. She was a piece of red metal but she had personality and LIFE. She never gave up. Even on her last day as a car she when by all accounts she should have combusted, she drove kids around safely, kepts us cool, and even got me half way home and safely into a parking lot before firing her last pistol. No other car can replace my beautiful Stella, but like putting down an old dog or falling off a horse, I need to move on quickly to a new car so as to dull the bitter disappointment of my loss.

You were a wonderful friend Stella.

And so ends my Ode to my car. Tomorrow I must go forth and collect my things from her dead body and then move on to another car. No one can replace Stella, but hopefully new and better memories can be made with my new car. 

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