Saturday, December 17, 2011

Newfangled Contraptions

 Let me just start this post by stating this fact: I am not a tech genius. If I were in a classroom being graded on my ability to know what a Widget was, I would fail and everyone would point their fingers and laugh me out of the room. For instance, my idea of fixing a computer is pressing ctrl+ alt+ del before smacking it and yelling 'why won't you work!?!?!' repeatedly. Sometimes it works, and sometimes my computer mocks me and freezes before deleting my favorite pages. Again, I'm not  a genius (although it may look like it).

    That being said, I'm trying to get on Bloglovin'. Why, you ask yourself? Because like a homeless person always asking for spare change, I want more. I'm addicted to peoples opinions and there's no cure, so I'm adhering to their odd law of copy and pasting their website on here to join it. Of course I always question WHY I would want people to read my blog, after all its not about anything in particular other than my daily life of living in Southern California (Orange County aka The OC), and my need to point out the seedy underbelly of it along with my musing on life. But I figure if people in Japan and Cambodia can get 10 thousand followers just for LIVING there, then why can't I!?

    So, if you're reading this entry, it means you've found me through a) bloglovin' b) blogger or c) you stumbled on it while drunk one night and saved it while taking your fourth shot of tequila.

     Either way, you've found it, so congratulations!

   <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

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