Hello blog and all those invisible people reading this (I know its really only Ad marketers, but a blogger of no importance like myself can dream can't they?)! You may have wondered where I ran away to. I bet you thought I went and met a super handsome, charming LA boy who didn't have the usual 'judge a girl only by her looks' mind set. Well! I'm pleased to say you'd be.......wrong. HA!
In all actual factual reality I have spent the past *counts on fingers* seven months (REALLY!? 7 months?!) finishing my book. I have never in my life finished a book. Maybe I shouldn't state that on the internet where it will now be held up and made fun of later on in my life, but its worth the risk! I have completed my book! I agonized over, I spent a few weeks completely despondent over ever finishing it when the parts I thought would be easiest to write turned out to be the hardest. Of course, I couldn't share my misery alone. Oh no.
A few select friends were privy to my constant calling of them and saying "I can't do this!" and "I don't have enough material for 300 pages! What am I going to do!?!?!" And like the amazing troopers they were, they patted my back, filled my wine glass with wine, and forced me to finish it like all good friends do. Would I get this book finished without them? Maybe in five years...or never. Friends are a wonderful thing!
So yes! Seven months. And all I have to show for it is a completed book! If I had my way I'd slap my hands together and say "there, all done!" and leave it be. But I have very demanding friends and my little tiny ego has voiced that this book be published. And so with all of the starry eyed assurance of a teenager saying "I'm going to be the next Hannah Montana!" I've sent my little book out into the world of agents.
Its an odd thing to send out query letters. But I'll save that topic for another post--yup, its that harrowing of a tale! I've sent out queries along with exerts from my book and crossed fingers, and now I have to wait. Initially I only sent out four query letters (that is, letters you write to agents by trying to be your own agent describing your book in such a way that they want to show it off to others. That's right. You're an agent to get an agent. Writers, good luck!), and I have received two rejection letters. Though they were very nice rejection letters, and one even said my book was good, and to not give up! How's that for encouragement!?
As the season changes into fall, when people begin to anticipate buying apple cider while waiting for the end of the world on December 21, I'm just starting to prepare for a long battle. Because that's what the writing world is my friends. A battle. But now that I'm completely free (for now) of writing books, I can turn my attention back to my sorely neglected blog. Not that I have a lot going on in my life, but I'll try to keep it interesting!
Who knows? Maybe I'll do something crazy like land a book deal! Or find out that men in Southern California have spontanously become smart and well read young men who can carry on a conversation that doesn't revolve around the famous people they know, what they do, and how many girls they've slept with (why yes, I have had that conversation presented to me in that order while on a date).
A girl can dream!