Monday, February 7, 2011

Common Sense Misses Again!

You know that adage 'look before you leap'? I have learned this lesson all too well today. I WOULD be mad that I just spend 12 dollars on a product that I thought was going to work only to find out it might be bad for me, but really, it was my fault. I should have read before I bought. Or perhaps I should have seen the sarcasm in the words that were written about said product. Either way I can't get mad because it was my fault for not fully reading the article.

   So what is this terrible thing I've wasted my money on? Soap. That's right, soap. Its from Japan, and its name is AHA Soap. Underneath it, it says 'mild chemical peeling soap'. Now, I really want to get rid of my top layer of skin. Why? because it has some things on it that I could really do away with (like larger pours awkwardly gracing my cheeks). And since I didn't want to spend 500 dollars doing it I thought 'well, why not with this soap! Twelve dollars is a lot cheaper!' Supposedly this soap burns your skin raw and 'peels it'.

   Or that's what I thought. Turns out, it simply make your skin dry to rawness. Not fun, and it sounds painful right?

    Unfortunately for my face, my curiosity has gotten the better of me, and I find that since I've already spent my money, I might as well use the product! And if I went the inch, I might as well go the mile right!?

So here is my before face:

(Awww, aren't I cute...and...purple)

aaaaaannnnd here is my after face:

      I'm not sure if it fully shows it, but my face wasn't too bad at all! It was pretty pink on my cheeks, but I didn't feel the burning sensation that your supposed to feel, and my skin didn't feel overly dry or red. So this leaves me with several hypothesis.

1) The girl in the article just has really sensitive skin

2) I should have left it on longer

3) My skin is so bad that it needed a stronger chemical

4) The company has revamped its line and the soap is now 'milder'

   But other than that, no harm has come to me so I think I'll just keep using the soap until something adverse happens.

                   Oh yes, I'm living my life on the edge.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

When Good Times Go Wrong

     The morning started out great, just like any normal morning in the life of a normal person. I had lunch with a friend (peruvian food should be served EVERYWHERE), enjoyed the wind, and got my math homework scanned and started. Even class for Sign was wonderful and useful! And then it happened. IT happened. 

    Class ran late, and I fearing that I would be VERY late for my next class that is a good 20 something minutes away, began driving and swear---I mean swerving as I tried to get to my destination on time. Only mild traffic tried to stop me, but I easily side stepped it by taking a surface street. I managed to grab a parking spot, making sure that I had the paper I had written around 1 in the morning for this STUPID class was safely tucked in my binder, and then sprinted up the stairs despite the wind and cars that purposefully ignore the walk ways (and the people walking on them). As I get to the class room I become puzzled. 

      That isn't my teacher. First of all, my teacher is a GIRL. 

'A sub?' I thought to myself. Then I looked at the students. They didn't LOOK like my class. Puzzled I checked the number on the door. Why yes, this WAS the right room. What the heck was going on. 

   And then BAM! It hit me like like a bird hits a window, its Wednesday. MY class is on Thursday. So basically, I studied and wrote a book and worried allllllllllllllll of last night for NO REASON. NONE. Now I'm doing math homework which I actually DO have to stress for thanks to a quiz! So now I have two nights of stress, one which was not needed. Crap. 

   In other news, Things That Amused Me Today

- A man riding a chopper and clenched in his mouth was the LARGEST cigar I have ever seen! Strike that. I saw one as big as that one once. In a cartoon. 

-A license plate on a HUGE SUV that translated into "Crazy for kids!" Really? I couldn't tell by the large gas guzzling car your driving around. 

-A cat staring at me from the back of a car window. I wish MY cat could be trusted to run free around in my car.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Driving Etquette in the O.C.

I drive by this all the time!

    You've seen the commercials, you've swooned at it in the movies, and you can't WAIT to drive on it. I am of course, talking about the California Highway. The PCH (Pacific Coast Highway, for those who are not from SoCal) is one of THE most filmed roads in America. You see the winding roads that are sided by sparkling blue oceans,  beautiful rolling hills of coast brush and interesting sandstone. The lone car is shiny, sleek, and the people in it smile gaily up at the camera as they zip along the coast. 
   If this is what you pictured, then you are seeing Hollywood magic at its most powerful. Contrary to popular belief, it is also one of the more deadlier roads along our 'pristine' coast. If you are intending to move to SoCal, please, let me be the first to warn you: We (yes, I include myself in this one) are INSANE drivers. If you think taxi men blaring their horns and saying F********K you! is scary and stressful, try getting into a fender bender with a man whose car makes your 'expensive' SUV look like it belongs in a trailer park. 

     That being said, here are some things to remember when driving the freeways and surface streets of Southern California. Remember, people here are rich, and they get most of their money from suing out of towners like yourselves from your 'lack' of driving knowledge.


-When merging you DO NOT SLOW DOWN. You speed up to the normal speed of 80mph as fast as humanly possible. Not doing so will result in cars PLOWING INTO YOU. I hate to tell you, but as a SoCal girl, we KNOW when you're not from around here (your license plate doesn't even need to be from out of state). Politeness is NOT our strong suite on the freeway.

-The speed sign may say 60mph/104 km, but 75/125km to 80/128km is standard. If you go in the fast lanes (The two far left lanes) you will get honked at, and people will zoom around you, get in front of you, and then slam on their breaks. I've seen it done more times than I want to say.  

-Get used to people riding your tail--its so common here no one even CALLS it that. 

-We DO NOT slow down to enjoy the beautiful beaches, craggy sandstone cliffs, or palm trees. Its hot, we have places to be, and WE NEED YOU TO FREAKIN' MOVE! For your own safety, pull to the side of the road if you want to take pictures.


-Unless you see a sign that says 'do not turn on red', you are free to make right hand turns. Waiting for the light to turn green WILL result in some one getting out their car and screaming at your window, or them blaring their horn until you move.  I wish I were kidding.

-The sign may SAY 45mph, but most people go the allowed limit of 50, if not more. Get used to it. And if you DO want to follow the speed limit, stay on the right hand lane which designated for old people, newbie drivers, and out-of-towners like yourselves. 

-Get used to people weaving. That is pretty much what you learn to do as a teen here. Its a weave or be weaved world here in SoCal. Did I mention we have places to be RIGHT NOW? 

-If you slow down to let some one get in front of you, also making a waving hand to motion in the direction they can do so, is a good thing. This will result in a FRIENDLY encounter, and if you get lost, they might even be willing to point you in the right direction. And all from a hand wave! Who knew!? 

   To conclude, SoCal drivers are NOT mean per say--unless your driving slow (aka, following the speed limit)--but the sun DOES make drivers agitated, and we get A LOT of sun here. People in SoCal have places to be (where I have no idea, but it must be important since they're driving there so fast. Maybe they need to get to a Starbucks?), people to see, and don't have time for your 'following the rules' crap. Now that you are armed with this knowledge, you will hopefully use it to your advantage if you decide to visit  here.

Yay and Nay

Alright! Since this world is filled with things that make people happy and sad, here are the things that do the same for me!

Things I say 'yay!' at:

-Getting a full paid trip to Utah to Skii with the family I babysit for, and GET PAID FOR IT (and here I was worried my life was turning dull and monotonous. Shows how much I know!)

-Waking up before ten (I'm so proud of myself!)

-Waking up and thinking 'damn I look good!'


-My mom finally understanding the signs for 'who' and 'where'

Things I say 'nay' at:

-Becoming dangerously low on tea.

-My cat Soji, for thinking my hair was yarn and trying to eat it

-Not finishing a book when I REALLY should be

And that is my list of Yay's and Nay's today!